• Montgomery - News


0 Zero waste inspiration

  • Business
  • by Montgomery Wales News Team
  • 07-06-2019

This week’s zero waste exhibition and pop-up shop in Montgomery was an incredible time of new customers and new collaborations for Katrina Collins of SHED38. It was inspiring to see how many folk want to make changes to the waste in their home.

On Monday night, Katrina was joined by 16 Montgomery Brownies who are working for their Plastic Free Badge. They talked about waste in their homes and she set them a challenge to make 5 changes: the first was to say no to plastic straws and to help them on their way they were given a bamboo straw each to take home. They were also given a plastic bottle each to fill with soft plastics at home and to bring along to a future project Katrina will be doing with them.

Katrina said, "It was fabulous to see the Brownies' enthusiasm! They loved the plastic-free table of reusable items - face scrubbies, toothpaste tablets, wax wrappies etc. - and the lampshade made from 218 plastic spoons retrieved from a station cafe was their favourite item."

New Mayor Haydn Andrew visited later in the week along with Mayoress Jane Lloyd. Jane said, “This excellent exhibition really opens your eyes on how much waste we all produce and different ways we can all deal with it. Kat is very knowledgeable in what we can all do to recycle and cut down on waste and exchange ideas.”

Katrina concluded, "It was a successful week all round. I hope we can keep the momentum going and make Montgomery and the surrounding areas as waste-free as possible by making small steps to make lasting changes."